Monday, April 23, 2007

Photos of Recent NCC Events

The Part A Affirmation Ceremony took place in the LT with the Principal as our Guest-of-Honour. It was the first time ever such a ceremony took place in the school compounds, as previous ceremonies were held at the Indoor Stadium under the planning of HQ NCC.

Unit CSM, MSG Cherie Chong marching in to place the NCC flag - a long-observed solemn military protocol during an initiation ceremony.

Planting of the NCC Flag by the Unit Commanding Officer.

New Part A cadets standing at attention during the flag-planting ceremony.

Goodie bags!

Part A Cadets signing on the Pledge Cards to reaffirm their loyalty to the Corp.

The Principal, Mrs Low Ay Nar, handing out certificates of commendations and promotions to the outgoing NCOs of 2006.

Our NCC Unit leading the marchpast with great precision and discipline during the recently-concluded Sports Day. The Parade Commander is our very own CSM, MSG Cherie Chong. Leading the contingent (above) is our ASM, MSG Stacey Cheong.

Well done, everyone!

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